Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'll Never Listen to Midnight Oil in the Same Way Again...

For my first topical post in Gaw's Truth I wish to talk about our Environment Minister, the "Honourable" Peter Garrett. Honourable in inverted commas because this man has just proven that everything he ever stood for, all his integrity, all his "little man against the big corporate machine" jargon, his anti-nuclear stance... all of it was utter rubbish.

Garrett has just approved a brand-new uranium mine.

I do not wish to comment here about the uranium mine itself. I don't know enough about it. However I do know about Garrett and his former band, Midnight Oil.

This is the man who once famously sang "Mining companies, pastoral companies, uranium companies, collected companies, got more right than people, got more say than people".

This is the man who, prior to selling his soul to the Labor party, once ran for the Nuclear Disarmament Party.

This is the man who in 2007, said "I have long been opposed to uranium mining and I remain opposed to it. I am unapologetic about this."

Are you going to apologise now to those who trusted and believed in you, Mr Garrett? The environmentally conscious voters who you duped into electing you? How about the legion of Midnight Oil fans who bought your records because they thought you stood for something?

I must point out at this juncture that while I am a fan of Midnight Oil's music I have never been particularly congruent with their political stance on many issues, which has been a little too far to the left for my liking. However I respected their views and admired their passion for the things they believed in - like protecting the environment and a "fair go" for all Australians.

But one must ask just what does Mr Garrett actually believe in? After being heavily critical of the major political parties he then went and joined one. And now after his anti-uranium stance he has given the Four Mile mine in South Australia the go-ahead. Can we believe anything else he says?

Indeed the times when Peter Garrett stood for something now seem to be "Forgotten Years".


  1. Very interesting read, as always.

    For Garret to redeem himself, I think that he should do his propeller-arm, feet together, hip-gyrating popsicle-head dance in the next sitting of parliament, and stand up (dance) for what he really believes in.

    On the other hand I'm pro-industry and think that Oz needs the investment and export dollar more than ever!!

    So, I say dig a hole, do it safely and we'll all "sleep in un-burnt beds" .. reap the benefts, and be better off.

    Geez, I don't know where this rant came from. Anyway, I'll be the first to comment. And there it was.

  2. Thanks for the comment Gyp... and of course on the issue of the mine itself, if it is safe then I agree we do need the export dollar. But people like Peter Garrett who do an about-face piss me off.
