Friday, July 17, 2009

When a Waratah is not a Waratah

Today's blog topic moves from federal politics to state, and more specifically to our incompetent boy-Premier Nathan Rees.

Nothing this bumbling joke of a State Government does should surprise anyone anymore. They have made a mess of everything they have done, for so long - they have run our hospitals, schools and transportation into the ground, they have engaged in corrupt and dodgy dealings and they have become the joke among the other Labor State Governments. Even our nation's fearless leader, the Honourable KRudd distances himself from them.

In this latest bungle, Rees has decided that the answer to our state's problems is to re-brand and freshen up the State Government's image.

While schools continue to be closed and the land sold off, while our hospitals scream for more funding, while our roads become ever more clogged and while our public transport continues to go backwards by world standards, the State Government decided to spend $150,000 of our money on research, focus groups and external consultants - to design a new logo that is wrong.

The most amusing thing is that everybody except our boy-Premier realises this. The new logo is clearly not our native waratah but a lotus, a flower native to Asia. The country's most respected botanists as well as celebrity gardener Don Burke have all pointed this out rather definitively, but Rees refuses to concede he might be wrong.

Indeed he has been recorded to say "I know a waratah when I see one".

Well, I know an idiot when I see one. I suggest Nathan Rees should quit trying to be an expert on flora and stick to what he knows... which evidently, isn't how to govern a state either.

1 comment:

  1. great read - especially the last few lines - priceless! And true to boot!
